Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Farewell, Old Friend

This post is mostly for me to just feel some closure. It has been one week since I quit my job with Marriott. This whole process of moving and the waiting that has accompanied it, has been long, stressful, and a little chaotic. I knew that I was sad to quit the job that I have spent 9 years of my life with, but it wasn't until I walked out of the building for the last time that I really felt it. I don't remember the last time I have cried like that because I was just sad. I sat in the parking lot trying to compose myself and figure out why I was reacting so emotionally. And this is what I figured out...That is essentially the only "real" job I have ever had and the job that supported me 9 of the 10 years I spent in Utah. Those 10 years were a time of constant change, growth, and learning who I was and what I wanted to become. It was a time of being young and free right after high school, traveling to all sorts of places that I normally wouldn't have been able to, getting married and later divorced, learning to be independent and support myself financially, finding my course to spirituality, dating again and finding the love of my life, getting married and starting a family. During these 10 years, I moved 10 times. During all of these changes, my job with Marriott was the only thing that remained constant, never changing. It was like my home base. It has been sad to close that chapter in my life, but I will love re-reading that chapter over and over again and remembering all the memories that my job was a part of. I am excited to start writing a new chapter and am so happy that Troy and our family are my home base now. Marriott will never compare to that.


katwalk said...

I hate sad things, like farewell Calvin, this too has made me a bit sad. It was a good time all in all. I'm very proud of you, looking forward to see how the next 10 years go. Just think Stockton will be Isac's age nearly

Anonymous said...

hi...sorry i grab like your baby astrology but i find it so cute!