Sunday, May 16, 2010

Stockton's new favorite thing

Stockton has always had a fascination with the vacuum. Anytime I vacuum it is a bigger job than it needs to be because he likes to follow me around and try to touch the light on the front of the vacuum. Well, we were recently at a store that had toy area for kids and he found a toy vacuum to entertain him the entire time we were there. He just followed me around pushing this little vacuum back and forth like he was a pro. When it was time to leave, he threw the biggest fit I have seen my precious boy throw. So, like any loving mother who can't help but want to give her child everything they want, I dropped Stockton off at home with Dad and went to find him one of these vacuums. He has been addicted ever since. At least now he is willing to share with his cousins. The first few days he would scream if either of them even touched it. Hopefully living with my sister during this time will teach him a lesson or two about sharing.


Ganny said...

way to go Arin. He definitely needed it, no doubt about it. So cute. I am impressed that Troy's shorts matched "HIS" vacuum. GOOD LUCK TROY on your interview tomorrow.

Cami said...
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Cami said...

So Cute! It is great that Stockton is embracing child labor at such an early age.

bamatamb said...

He is so cute! We miss you guys!

kcooke said...

Ha ha that is so cute and funny...Kaleb does the same thing...wonder what it is about vacuums??