Friday, May 6, 2011

The Woes of Motherhood

Everyday I am sure I think to myself, "If I didn't have kids, I could actually _________."  Normally the thought is finished with things like:

-"blow dry my hair and do my makeup without a baby trying to crawl up my legs and a toddler putting on blush and lips gloss"
-"enjoy not getting crumbs stuck to the bottom of my feet while walking through the kitchen"
-"start a task and finish it without getting interrupted 50 times"
-"sit down and eat a meal while it is still hot"
-"run errands without having to load and unload in the car 100 times, chase and entertain kids, and change poopy diapers in nasty bathrooms"

Lately, with the anticipation of the new X-Men movie and the final chapter of the Harry Potter saga reaching an all time high, all this thought is finished with is, "sit down and do nothing all day but have a movie marathon".  I can't even imagine being able to sit down and watch 7 Harry Potters back to back with no interruptions.  The mere thought of it is unfathomable to me.  Maybe if I start now I could squeeze in 4 X-Men movies before June 3 and another 7 Harry Potter's before mid-July.  It would take some hard work and dedication, but maybe, just maybe I could do it.  And if I am really lucky, I could maybe even find someone with enough passion as my friend, Bekah, to go to the midnight showings with me.  I can dream, can't I?


Brit said...

I go to the midnight showings of Harry Potter and we can try to watch them together between now and then!!

Sarah said...

I won't be passionate about it, and I'll probably cover my eyes because the Harry Potter movies actually scare me a little, but I said I'd go with you! Except that it will interfere with my new schedule, which you've already messed up once. I did not get up on time this morning because of you guys. Partially, anyway.

Speaking of getting up that early though - it is the solution for being able to do a few things without the "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy" and all that. Being ready for the day before Avery gets out of bed makes a HUGE difference for me.

Just think, if we'd bought the house down the road from you, we could do 5:30am workouts together. Darn it.

Rebekah said...

Maybe I should plan my trip around the movie schedule. :)