Monday, November 22, 2010

Logan's 2 month check up

ince Logan will be 3 months old this week, I thought I better get his 2 month stats posted....He weighed in at almost 14lbs which put him in the 85th percentile. He was also 85th for his head and 50th for his height. He is our little chunky monkey who loves to eat and soak up any attention that he can get as long as it isnt from his "big" brother. I think Stockton's love and affection is really starting to get on his nerves. Otherwise, he is the happiest most easy going baby that loves to smile and laugh. I just wish he would perform more for the camera. Here are a few recent pics...

1 comment:

katwalk said...

those boys sure are cute. both have such big eyes. They didn't get that from Troy :)