Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Happy Birthday to my Baby Logan

It's obvious that I have sucked at blogging lately, but I know that I will regret it if I don't take the time to at least attempt to document Logan's birthday.  I have put it off for a few weeks mostly because I think I am in denial that he is actually 2.  It is weird with Logan because he has never acted his age so he has always seemed older than he actually is, but at the same time he still seems like such a baby to me.  It must be that precious Gerber baby face that he has that makes him still seem so sweet and innocent despite the firecracker that lives inside. .  It is very confusing, even for his mother to comprehend.  

When I look at Logan, I see Happiness and Fun and LIGHT just pouring out of him.  He is full speed ahead until he crashes, there is no downtime with him.  He already has a sense of humor that I would have never thought possible in a 2 year old.  He talks and communicates so much more than Stockton did as his age.  He will at least attempt to say anything you ask him to and is already talking in 3-4 word sentences. 

Some things I want to remember when I close my eyes and think about Logan at age 2 are:
*The way he comes in my room every morning and asks, "Daddy go?"  And when I tell him that he went to work he responds, "Oooh. Work?"
*The way he already thinks it is hilarious to fart and the way he tries to claim farts that aren't even his.  One day him and Stockton actually got into a pretty heated argument about it.
*The way he says, "MATMAN!!" (Batman) and his love of super heroes in general.  I would have never thought it would start so early, but he has proved me wrong. It cracks me up how serious he gets when he is pretending to be Ironman or Hulk.  He will scowl at you, purse his lips together and say, "I MEAN HULK."  And then his face will turn sweet again and say, "I NICE hulk" and smile at you. 
*He is all about "BIIIIG" trucks.  
*The way he says, "Huuh!" instead of yes.
*The way he takes a bite of his food and so enthusiastically say “Mom, Num! Mom, NUM!”
*The way he manages to get his face dirty within about 5 minutes of waking up in the morning and keeping it that way no matter how much I wipe it throughout the day.
*The way he can literally hear the ice cream truck the second it enters our neighborhood.
*The way he LOVES to wear his camo hat from the time he wakes up in the morning.
*And I mostly love how affectionate he has gotten the older he gets.  He loves to be held and give big hugs and kisses.  He is just the total package: cute, funny, happy, smart and loving.  Love my little Yogi Bear!

Logan's favorites:
Favorite Foods: cereal, toast, goldfish, and candy
Favorite Movies/Shows:  When Stockton lets him choose...Fireman Sam, Chuck the Truck, Tom & Jerry
Favorite Book:  Animal flap book, Freight Train, There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly, and his truck/tractor picture books
Favorite word: He says pretty much everything so I don't know that he has a favorite word, but I love the way he says "Huh" instead of yes and the way he adds a hard slurred sound when he says truck
Favorite Toys:  trucks, trains that he can link together, hot wheels cars
Favorite thing to drive Mom crazy:  Climbing on the kitchen counters, yelling MOM!!, and spilling EVERYTHING

Favorite things/activities: He loves his blankie (boo bank) and his butterfly quilt he got from Ganny's house, superheroes, and riding his coaster car in the driveway

 He may not be an "old soul" like his brother and he may have alot to learn in his years to come, but one thing I know for sure about Logan is, he is going to LIVE LIFE LOUD!!