Christmas was a lot of fun this year now that Stockton was old enough to really enjoy it alot more. Having kids really does bring the magic back into it. I am going to really start looking forward to Christmas each year now. Here are both of the boys after opening their presents from Santa and Mom & Dad. And a few others from the morning.
The boys are definitely starting to be more like brothers. Logan loves it when Stockton will play with him and Logan justs gives him the biggest, cheesiest smiles. Stockton goes back and forth when it comes to playing nicely and when he can be a little rough or annoying. He has a problem with wanting to decide what Logan should be playing with rather than just allowing him to play with whatever he is enjoying at the moment. Overall, I think they are really starting to love each other. Stockton always wants to sleep in Logans bed with him and whenever I have let them nap together on Mom & Dad's bed, Stockton will always hold Logan's hand until they fall asleep. And just a few days ago, they had their car seats side by side in the car (normally there is a seat between them) and Stockton held Logan's hand the whole time we were driving. It is so sweet.
We celebrated Stockton's 2nd birthday in January. As generic as it sounds, I can't believe it has been 2 years. He is still so small, it is hard to believe he is actually 2. At his check up, his weight was the 3rd percentile, height was the 14th percentile, and his head was the 93rd percentile. Just hearing those measurements makes me wonder how he is even able to walk without toppling over all day long. He is still Mommy's precious angel and spends most of his day following me around the house saying, "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy..." He definitely loves his Mommy, but Daddy is at the top of his list too. He always makes sure to throw in a few "Daddys" through out the day and point at the door. His speech therapy is going pretty well. I think he probably speaks about 10 words now and signs probably around 20. He continues to improve each week, so we are happy about that. Stockton has always been our perfect sleeper from the very beginning. He has always loved sleeping in his own bed and has never had a problem putting himself to sleep, but he had a HORRIBLE nightmare on New Years Eve and his sleeping has been a work in progress ever since. He was terrified to even go near his bed or our bed for about a week afterwards. We have him sleeping in his own bed now, but still freaks out if we put him in our bed at night. And he has a hard time going back to sleep if he wakes up in the middle of the night. Hopefully things will continue to improve and he will be back to his old self eventually. Here are some of his favorite things right now:
Favorite Food: chocolate milk and cheese
Favorite Movies/Shows: Toy Story, Madagascar, Whinnie the Pooh, and Wonder Pets
Favorite Book: I Love My Mama (about the mommy and baby elephants) and his animal flap book
Favorite word: Mommy, Please, and NO!
Favorite Toys: Woody & Buzz, blocks, and his animals
Favorite thing to drive Mom crazy: Climbing on the kitchen counters
If you are wondering why Logan's orange shirt looks strangely familiar, it is because its the same orange shirt that Stockton was wearing this past summer. That's right he was 18+ months old and Logan is only 5 months.
I am so glad you posted a picture of Stockton's birthday cupcakes. They turned out so cute! Your boys are growing up so fast. I love to hear what they are doing.
what a good mom you are for posting all of this! you will love re-reading it, and it will melt your heart every time you do!
a. i can't believe logan looks as big as stockton!!
b. i see you are really making progress with the playdough, and
c. what stinkin' cute kids! and i agree about logan's sheer baby beauty!
Stockton is getting so big...Ashton says, "he sure grew up fast".LOL!!
I wouldn't have been so nice to the lady at Costco...I probably would have told her off!!! People are so rude now days!!
Both boys are just adorable. Thanks for posting an update!
I didn't even know what you were talking about on Logan face; I had to scroll back up to the pictures and look for the "stork bite." Some people are just morons--I think both of your boys are darling!
Love all the pics, especially the laundry basket...those two have some fun times ahead.
B Nancy and Jerry
Hello Arin, Jerry and I really enjoyed these photos of the babies. They are absolutely beautiful kids. Jerry says Stockton looks so much like you and Logan favors Troy. Jerry's surgery is Friday the 18th of February. Wanted to let you know. Thanks for sharing your kids with me. Love you guys!
Well just tell that cosco loved he is and was that all those angels were kissing him good-bye as he left that side. all of you kids had those... it's a birth mark..marking you special at birth. as for Stockton and his big head and little everything else..again just like all my babies. I'll never forget when Jeff was a little baby, the little asian lady saying oh big head meanings big very very smart..need I say more. It still freaks me out when I think of Stocktons brain..and how it has been exposed to the outside world for a bit. but you would never know if you didn't know him and as you remember his brain did grow at a fast rate in those first months. so don't worry about the brain/head he will grow into his brain someday. that is why he doesn't topple over it's his brain. they are both very cute boys. I agree with Jerry Stockton does look so much like his mommy. I told everyone that all along but no one seemed to believe me..
Such cute boys. They will have so much fun together when they grow up. You're such a good mom!
I don't like to see Stockton turn 2. I always forward to seeing Stockton's mile stones because Mya is right behind. I am not ready for her to be 2. That means she isn't a baby anymore and that I can stop counting in months. Cute pictures. Its fun to be updated via internet.
oohhh...sooo cuteeeeeee!!!
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