Logan is 6 weeks old now. Here is a picture of him on his 1 month birthday. Is it just me or does this look like a baby that is older than a month??? He is just getting chubbier and chubbier everyday.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Finally making time for an update
Things are sure busy around here. Although, everyday I feel more and more like I am getting a handle on things. I am starting to believe that maybe I will be able to survive having 2 kids afterall. Three is still debatable at this point.
Logan is 6 weeks old now. Here is a picture of him on his 1 month birthday. Is it just me or does this look like a baby that is older than a month??? He is just getting chubbier and chubbier everyday.
We recently spent a weekend in Utah to celebrate a special occasion with my best friend. Here is Logan at 1 month with his 6 month old cousin, Maggie. Now do you believe that he is big?
He still likes to sleep alot during the day.
But he also tries to help out around the house as much as he can. He gives me more of a workout carrying the laundry up and down the stairs. I sure miss having my laundry room upstairs with all of our bedrooms.
He is getting so much more alert and interactive.
And just started smiling at us the last few days.
Bathtime is so much easier now that I can do it at the same time. Stockton is really good at being careful in the tub. He has only had to pour a cup of water on his face once to realize that wasnt much fun for Logan.
We also love going on walks now that we finally got our new double stroller. Stockton and Logan would both spend all day sitting in it if they could.
Stockton has grown up right before my eyes.
He got a new pair of shoes that he loves to show off everytime he puts them on.
He loves to keep me from getting anything done. This is him "helping" put their clean clothes away.
We got him sleeping in his big boy bed so we could start putting Logan in the crib. This kid has been a champion sleeper his entire life. After napping in his bed twice, he refused to sleep in his crib at all. And it only took 3 days of him getting in and out of bed for him to get the idea. I hope he continues to be so easy with everything forever.
Logan is 6 weeks old now. Here is a picture of him on his 1 month birthday. Is it just me or does this look like a baby that is older than a month??? He is just getting chubbier and chubbier everyday.
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Uh, oh. You said it; it's the kiss of death: "I hope he continues to be so easy with everything forever."
Dun, dun, DUNNNNN. Now he'll turn into a monster!
Just kidding--Stockton is a sweetie. And Logan is darling. :)
oh the bittersweet..love it, but makes me miss you..Stockton is just so cute, he looks so much like you it makes me smile :)he is growing up alot, but he did just make the change into being a big brother, which he seems to be good at it. reminds me of Jeff and Jenni they loved each other from the beginning. It was Jenni that didn't really like the idea of a new baby when Amy came along, but with you it was ok. love the clothes in the b-ball net.. or did you do that? Baby Logan is a big baby..never really looked like a new born to me. He does have to catch up to this brother so they can run around and do things. The pic of him and Maggie makes me think of me and my cousin David even though I was from March to November older than him he was always bigger than me, think he was biggger than me when he was born. if not he soon passed me. I do think he is going to be bigger than Stockton and may pass him in size some day..but don't let them grow up to fast or we will turn around and have missed it so keep us posted it helps...I think..yes it helps..
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