This is me (Arin) at 20 months. Stockton just turned 18 months. Does anyone else see the resemblance? I think we definitely know where he got his stringy blonde hair.
Disclaimer: Of course, I do still see alot of Troy in him. Mostly in his expressions and charming personality. I think my genes just dominated his basic physical characteristics. :)
oh that picture brings back a flood of memories good and sad..such a long time has past..and nothing is the same as that day of the guys are all grownup..the family is broken..and the house no longer it is only a wrinkle in is as it is just as it was what it with a smile on my face, a tear in my eye, I reflect back to a beatiful time of my life with my babies..time goes by and now as I am blessed beyond measures my heart from my 4 children they have now given me soon to be 12 grandchildren..from 4 now to 16 humans out there with my blood flowing in their veins what a blessed thing..oh amy I think I see sam and rachel back there too, thanks for posting again I vote stockton looks like arin and acts like troy
Yeah that looks a little like Stockton. And I see Mackey in the background. Oh and nice suit Jeff.
that was so cute,cute,cute!!! and lovable...all of you...i cant believe how cute jeff when hes a child.
oh that picture brings back a flood of memories good and sad..such a long time has past..and nothing is the same as that day of the guys are all grownup..the family is broken..and the house no longer it is only a wrinkle in is as it is just as it was what it with a smile on my face, a tear in my eye, I reflect back to a beatiful time of my life with my babies..time goes by and now as I am blessed beyond measures my heart from my 4 children they have now given me soon to be 12 grandchildren..from 4 now to 16 humans out there with my blood flowing in their veins what a blessed thing..oh amy I think I see sam and rachel back there too, thanks for posting again I vote stockton looks like arin and acts like troy
Oh my goodness, he does look a lot like you!
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