Stockton's favorite things:
#1: His Mother. No really, I am. That's the way it really should be, right? It is a feeling I cant even describe to have someone love you more than anyone else for no other reason than just being "Mom". All I have to do is look at him and he smiles at me. It melts my heart every time.
#2: Napping on Daddy's chest. Mom might be his #1, but Daddy definitely comes in right behind me.
#3: His glow worm: Thank you to Bekah for bringing this to him. He lights up every time he sees it and just starts talking and squealing.
#5: People/world watching. He loves for me to carry him around so he can see what is going on in front of him. He just gets wide eyed and stares at everything around him.
My favorite things about Stockton:
#1: His facial expressions. Of course he steals my heart every time he gives me that crooked smile. How could I resist that? But I also love the way he looks so serious alot of the time too. He kind of scowls like he is thinking really hard about something. And my personal favorite, the Classic Stockton face, aka deer in the headlights look. I love how his eyes look so big like they are about to pop out. It cracks me up everytime. Maybe the real reason that I like that face is because my Mom always tells me that he looks like me when he does that because I was the same way when I was a baby.
#2: Our mornings. I love spending every day with him but our morning playtime after he finally wakes up for the day is my favorite part. After he wakes up to eat I will bring him into our bed and he will go back to sleep. I love sleeping with him and he always wakes up smiling. It is the perfect way to start the day. He is always the most playful and gives away the most of his smiles for the day. I really treasure this time everyday.
#3: His sleep schedule. He definitely got Troy's sleep gene. This kid LOVES to sleep. Well, I take that back, he loves to sleep at night. He really only cat naps during the day, but he is getting better at that. I would much rather have him sleeping at night than during the day though, I love my sleep way too much. He goes to bed at 9pm on the dot every night. If it is after 9 he knows it and he is ready for you to leave him alone and let him go to sleep. He wakes up once around 6-630am, eats, and goes right back to sleep until around 830 or so. Could there be a more perfect baby than that?
#4: Watching him fall asleep. Not only does he sleep all night, but this kid will fall asleep ANYWHERE as long as he has his pacy and blanky. Just give them to him and lay him down and he puts himself right to sleep. Sometimes this makes me sad because there are times i want to hold and cuddle him until he goes to sleep but it normally just makes him mad. So I will just lay down with him on the bed and watch him shake his head from side to side while he nuzzles his blanky on his face, listening to him grunting the entire time. It is so funny to watch. Too bad he has a bald spot on the back of his head because of it. :(
#5 Everything. There isnt a single thing this kid does that I dont love. Never in my life have I felt so complete. Him and Troy combined just make my life worthwhile. I am so lucky to get to spend every day with him just hanging out and being best friends. I can't wait to discover many more reasons to love him.
I love that smiley picture - so darn cute! And I'm so happy he loves his glow worm. I loved mine when I was little too. :)
well maybe i can leave a comment this time. I sure have a problem somewhere. Anyway I love all your posts. Stocktan is such a cutie. Love Ganny
It looks like the camera has finally discovered his smile. What a heartbreaker! You are so blessed to have such a cute wonderful baby.
he has that ET look in that last pic the big eyes and head on that little neck he looks like he's getting pretty strong to hold his head up which is probablly half his body weight
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