1. List 6 things about yourself
2. Tag 6 more people
1. "Two trailer park girls go round the outside,
round the outside, round the outside..."-I have been criticized and looked down on due to what some would consider my poor taste in music. I have a never ending love affair with Eminem.
2. LDS Mingles-Not only are me and my husband one of those internet couples, we were also a long distance relationship/internet couple. I know, it used to be embarrassing to admit because I always felt like people were always thinking to themselves, "Yeah right, this has disaster and failure written all over it." But now I am not afraid to admit, YES-Troy and I did meet on an LDS dating website and YES-he lived in Boise and I lived in Bountiful up until about a month before our wedding, but I also know without a doubt that we are supposed to be together and there isn't a man out there that I would rather be with. So anyone who wants to laugh at us, you can just go right ahead and do it! :)
3. My Fears-I seriously am afraid of everything! Just to name a few: bridges, drowning, spiders, sexual predators, natural disasters, taking a shower when I'm home alone, living in a house with a basement, the McDonalds on 500 S. 200 W. in Salt Lake, home intruders, Michael Myers grabbing my leg when I get out of bed. I honestly cannot watch scary movies, I have been permanently damaged from watching Halloween and other scary movies when I was a kid.
4. Reality TV-Even though the people on the shows make me crazy, I just can't stop watching! And the worst part is they are the dumbest reality shows out there: The Hills, Girls Next Door, Shot at Love, I Love New York, Snoop Dogg:Fatherhood, Bad Girls Club, What Not to Wear. I spend so much time watching these shows and just being in shock at how stupid the world is, but I guess that makes me stupid too for watching them, right? I am so embarrassed that I just admitted to watching those shows to all of you...please don't judge me! But in my defense, I think the rest of my TV selection is pretty "normal". My faves: King of Queens, Everybody Loves Raymond, Seinfeld, Smallville, and do any of you remember Third Rock From the Sun? I always tell Troy that I want him to get fat so we can be like Doug and Carrie on King of Queens.
5. I used to be a total Tomboy-Seriously, I dont have any pictures of me in anything other than a sports jersey and a ponytail until I was in 10th or 11th grade. Most little girls grow up being obsessed with make up and having crushes on typical teeny bopper boys, not me, my room was covered with sports and super hero memorabilia. I painted my room Jazz colors and it was filled with pictures of John Stockton & company, Steve Young, John Elway, Batman, Superman, and my major Hollywood crush...Keanu Reeves. This shot was seriously one of the best moments of my life...
6. What is my name? I have honestly never been called Arin by anyone in my immediate family. I am the baby of the family and when I was born my sister, Amy, couldnt say Arin so she called me Dawn Dawn (Dawn is my middle name). I was Dawn Dawn to all of my siblings until they started calling me Mel when I was about 6 or 7. Before you ask, Mel is short for Melvin (luckily my mom put her foot down on letting them call me Melvin) Yes, it's unfortunate to have a nickname short for Melvin and no, I will not share the story of how it started. Maybe that will be another story down the road. :) But to this day, my siblings call me Mel and my nieces and nephews all call me Dawn Dawn. Troy thinks it is really weird, but to me it is just normal.
Well, I hope I didnt embarrass myself too much on this one! I am going to tag Amy, Jenni, Brooke, Holly, Alicia, Katie, and Whitney. Yes, I know that is 7, but do you think all of them will actually do it?? :)
I love it! Here's what we have in common:
#3-I have all of those same fears, and many more. Jake has been called home from work more than once to kill a spider. I hate the basement of our house, and avoid going down there after dark.
#4- I LOVED Third Rock, and didn't know anyone else did! Do you remember when the really dumb guy was exercising and hit his head on the T.V.? I still laugh about that episode.
Thanks for answering my tag!
That was fun and hilarious to read....you are an interesting girl. I dont' think I could even think of 6 unique things about myself that no one knows, but I'll try :) And before I knew your name at work, I just knew you as the girl that had that eminem calendar on her desk :) Love it!
Arin- I freaking LOVE the sensual seduction song for sure! We had to have it on there!
If you think Melvin is bad. Roger still calls me Fib when he sees me! lol!
I feel like I've gotten to know you so much better. I thought it was funny that you're afraid of the McDonalds in Salt Lake. It's by my hubbies work and he goes there for lunch all the time. I also love the show What not to wear. I also didn't know you lived in Bountiful, I'm from there too. Thanks for sharing!
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