Me and Troy made kind of a big and unexpected decision yesterday, we bought a new car! Unfortunately, we probably won't be able to get it until next week though b/c they are cleaning it and fixing a few minor cosmetic things for us. It is so nice! It is a 2004 Toyota Highlander with 41,000 miles. It has all the extras except leather interior. We are really excited about it. It is funny b/c in the 7 years I have been in Utah, I have bought 6 new cars. Troy has made it clear that will stop with this car. This is our "family" car that we will have for a LONG time because it has the optional 3rd row seating. I can't wait until we get it, but it will be sad to see my Saturn go!
SWEET!!! I love the car. And better yet, you can't call me spoiled anymore. Look who's spoiled now!!! Hope you enjoy your SUV as much as I do. Good thing you work from home. The gas shouldn't kill you too much.
That's awesome! New cars are fun and exciting to get. You'll have to take Ty and I for spin in it....and why did you get 6 cars in 7 years!
SWEET!!! I love the car. And better yet, you can't call me spoiled anymore. Look who's spoiled now!!! Hope you enjoy your SUV as much as I do. Good thing you work from home. The gas shouldn't kill you too much.
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