I am getting very big and strong. I learned how to sit up all by myself. Sometimes I fall over, but its fun when I am on my mom and dad's soft bed.
Now that I can sit up, playing with my toys is alot more fun.
But sometimes it can be alot of work, so I like to stick out my tongue and concentrate really hard.
My most favorite thing to do is eat! When my Dad feeds me, he lets it get all over me.
But that's OK, because then I get to take a bath. I love touching the water with my fingers when my Mom pours it on my tummy.
I still love my glow worm, but I have another best friend now. His name is Jazz Bear, my dad won him for me at Lagoon. Everytime I see him, he makes me laugh.
My Mom is still my most favorite person in the whole wide world, but Dad is definitely a close 2nd. I get to spend every morning with him while my Mommy is busy working.
Everyone still tells me all of the time how much I look like him. I tell my Mom that it's OK because I have her big blue eyes....